Services / Intralogistics

Warehousing & Intralogistics

Project Coordination / Communication


Project Scope

Acceptance Supervision

Test Organisation/ Coordination

Tender documents

Project coordination for every occasion

Project coordination for every occasion

Every logistics project starts with an idea. Whether we are talking about automation approaches, increasing efficiency or building a new warehouse: The first step always consists of defining a clear vision. However, there are a considerable risk factors in every project. One of the biggest challenges is communication and coordination between the business departments and the system integrator. This is where IN3 comes into play!

Our consultants close the gap and synchronise project requirements across departments. They also make sure that they are harmonised.

What We Offer



We define clear areas of responsibility so that your requirements match the realisation of the logistics planners.

We communicate project requirements and progress in a way that all stakeholders understand and act as a mediator in case of disagreements. That’s how we avoid expensive change requests.

We work together to develop a realistic project scope, including a schedule and investment estimate, and ensure its fulfilment.

We check whether the finished solution fulfils the requirements defined in the specifications.

By testing thoroughly companies ensure that all systems function efficiently and safely.

We prepare your tender documents so that you can find the ideal service provider for your logistics project.

You want to know more?

You want to know more?

Project Coordination

We support you in:

  • Warehousing
  • Intralogistics
  • Project Schedule